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Ebook: The Accountant’s Guide to IRS Collection

The Accountant’s Guide to IRS Collection: A Step-by-Step Guide to Resolving Your Client’s Tax Debt – Third Edition

If you’ve been thinking about expanding your tax practice to serving clients that are behind in filing or payments or both, then this is perfect guide to get you started.


You already know your way around taxes, but might need a bit more confidence when it comes to handling clients with collection issues. This guide steps you through the procedures you need to know to help these types of tax clients. The best news is that it’s quite a lucrative area and in extreme demand.


The IRS’s ability to match information and identify non-filers has never been greater. As of 2022 there were more than 15 million taxpayers in the IRS Collection Division inventory, and the IRS has announced it has identified and will pursue more than 10 million non-filers in 2023 and beyond. With more than 25 million taxpayers who need help, there has never been a better time to add IRS Representation to your practice!


Included with each chapter are sample forms and letters, as well as a Collection Checklist for you to use with potential clients at the end of the book. It’s everything you need to begin your journey into the burgeoning and profitable world of taxpayer representation.


Table of Contents

  • About the Author
  • Why This Book?
  • What’s New in IRS Collection?
  • There is No “Fresh Start” Program
  • The IRS Collection Process
  • The Collection Client
  • Federal Tax Liens
  • The Federal Tax Levy
  • Collection Alternatives: Offers, Installment Agreements, Uncollectible Status and Bankruptcy
  • Payroll Taxes and Personal Liability
  • Collection Appeals
  • Challenging an Assessed Tax
  • Taxpayer Advocate Services
  • Private Debt Collectors and Passport Suspension/Revocation
  • IRS Enforcement Against Taxpayers Overseas
  • IRS Abbreviations Cheat Sheet
  • New Collection Client: The Checklist
  • Sample Pricing Structure
  • Sample Letters
  • Case Studies
  • Ex. Exhibits

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Company Tax Rep Network
Original Cost $99.00
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Cost $84.15


Tax Rep Network

The Tax Rep LLC is an online member-driven organization whose mission is to enhance all of its members IRS representation practices by sharing experiences, representation techniques and marketing strategies with each other.