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Ebook: 2021 Guide To Financial Security: Accounting Systems

Financial data security determines the well being of your entire organization. As businesses rely more on cloud-based technology, this presents many opportunities, but also challenges. Cloud accounting and other operations still face major security threats. As you investigate accounting solutions, security must take precedent. This guide will help you understand the threats to your financial data and help you pinpoint critical features needed for a truly secure accounting system.

We’ll answer the following questions:
  • How does cloud-based accounting data impact your company’s wellbeing?
  • What are the threats to your accounting system?
  • What are the costs of an accounting system breach?
  • What are the steps to secure your accounting system?
  • How can accounting technology help or harm your financial security?
  • Why is an accounting platform vs application safer and stronger?
  • What are essential features for modern accounting data security?
2021 11 03 14 13 54
Company Accounting Seed


Accounting Seed
(410) 995-8406

Connect and automate finance across your entire business with Accounting Seed—the #1 accounting solution built on the Salesforce CRM. Key Accounting Seed features and benefits include: 

  • Spend less time in spreadsheets and more time moving your business forward with a fully connected accounting & CRM platform.
  • Save time with automated and configurable general ledger, accounts payable and accounts receivable, orders and inventory, financial reporting and analytics, and more.
  • Make faster, more accurate business decisions with enhanced financial dashboards, and real-time reporting.

Learn more about our innovative, award-winning accounting solution by visiting us at