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#1 Reasonable Compensation Analysis Solution

RCReports is your one-stop solution to calculating Reasonable Compensation figures that are accurate, defensible, and supported by the latest in IRS rulings and geographic data.



For CPAs, EAs, and tax advisors, the stakes in helping your clients meet the challenge of increased IRS focus to their Reasonable Compensation determinations are high. An IRS examination could include heavy back taxes, penalties, and interest. Without a point solution, the compilation of Reasonable Compensation estimates for tax planning and preparation requires exhaustive scrutiny of the case law, monitoring ever-changing regulations, then painstakingly calculating the value of the services your S-Corp and closely held business clients provide in exchange for their salaries. Why do all this work yourself? We’ve got a simple, cost-effective solution to your Reasonable Compensation challenges.


Business owners demand that when they pay for a tax professional to handle their company’s finances, they are protected from issues with the IRS. While a challenge from the IRS is never completely unavoidable, Reasonable Compensation calculations from RCReports come with all the documentation and support necessary to make sure they withstand IRS scrutiny. We provide you with access to IRS criteria, court rulings, geographic data, and exclusive salary intelligence to accurately assess Reasonable Compensation and assure clients that the independent calculations are entirely defensible in the event of an IRS examination or litigation.



At RCReports we’ve been through the trials of working as tax professionals. We know that not only do you need accurate and independent Reasonable Compensation results, but you also need them as fast as possible so you can deal with all the other issues that come up during tax season. By using our intuitive, web-based interface, you have access to robust reports that provide clear and accessible insights into your client’s Reasonable Compensation for tax planning and preparation. What used to take hours or days is now at your fingertips in minutes.



Growing your business and revenue is vital to any business owner. With RCReports you can add value to the work you do for your existing clients while also adding another revenue stream. Not only will your clients be happy you’re protecting them from potential IRS attention, but for a small fee you could be saving them thousands of dollars they might have to spend to defend themselves against a Reasonable Compensation issue. More revenue for you and added value for your clients – it’s a true win-win!



Providing your clients with Reasonable Compensation calculations used to be a painstaking but necessary job. Now, with RCReports, you can provide your clients with instant and accurate Reasonable compensation calculations that provide essential regulatory and compliance coverage. Not only can you provide them with this high-value service, but you can do it at a low cost, quickly and efficiently.



RCReports is a secret weapon for tax and financial advisors to quickly and accurately advise S-Corp and closely held business clients on Reasonable Compensation ensuring they remain compliant and continue to choose you as a trusted advisor for tax planning and preparation.




How many reports can we run?

We don't fence you in. You can run as many reports as you need. Any approach. Any purpose. No per report fees.


Can we have multiple users?

Starter plan is limited to one user. Basic and Premium plans allow you to define as many users as you desire, but only the specified number of users can be active at any given time.


Is email support provided?

We've worked hard to make RCReports as intuitive as possible, but we're here if you ever have questions. We respond to all email support questions within 1 business day (usually less).


Is phone support available?

The Premium subscription includes telephone support. Alternatively, you can email support any time or contact us via our website.


RCReports Resource Library?

The RCReports Resource Library contains a wealth of information about Reasonable Compensation matters, including white papers, IRS guideline and court findings.


What is the RCReports Referral Network?

Our resource network matches your firm with potential clients in your area that need Reasonable Compensation assistance.


What is a Premium Referral Network Listing?

Your premium listing in the RCReports Referral Network includes options for your logo, web link, and a designated contact and phone number.


Are Private Brand Reports Available?

Give your Reasonable Compensation reports a polished professional look by including your firm name and logo on each report.


What is the Warp Speed Wages Tool?

Instantly tap into RCReports proprietary database of wages to pull up wage data for over 6,500 occupations down to the specific county, state, and national levels.


Can I Suppress Instant Report Delivery?

As a Premium subscriber, you can inhibit showing clients reports which allows you to review the draft report and formulate suggestions or comments for your client prior to sharing the report with them.


What Is The Tax Compliance C Corp Report?

This report is designed to help C Corps meet the IRC section 162 requirement that compensation be ordinary, necessary, and reasonable.


What Is The Tax Compliance S Corp Report?

Addresses the IRS requirement that shareholder-employees of an S Corp pay themselves Reasonable Compensation for the work performed for their company.


What Is The Normalization for Valuation Report?

Helps Valuators support the normalization of owner's compensation, this report provides an independent, unbiased estimate of the value of services rendered to the company by the owner.


What is the Planning Report?

Normalizes compensation for owners and key management of closely-held businesses. Planning reports can be used for a wide range of issues such as: Entity Planning, Shareholder Disputes, Deferred Compensation, etc.


Can We Designate Alternate Administrators?

It's good to be King. Premium subscribers can share the load by designating alternate administrators for their account.


Can I Share My Clients With My Team?

Premium subscribers allow selected users to share access to clients assigned to other users. Share the love.


Can We Re-assign Clients to New Users?

Premium subscribers can easily balance workload and staff changes by reassigning selected clients to another user.


Click here to to learn more!

Company RCReports, Inc.
Cost $1,500.00
Intended Audience CPA - small firm
CPA - medium firm
CPA - large firm
Enrolled Agent

User-added image


RCReports, Inc.
(720) 279-8800

RCReports is a tool for Tax and Financial advisors to determine Reasonable Compensation for a client. RCReports provides a defensible position to an IRS challenge (for S-Corps), and is an excellent planning and valuation tool. RCReports synthesizes a proprietary blend of IRS criteria, Court Rulings, geographic data and our EXCLUSIVE database of wages to accurately assess Reasonable Compensation for S Corp, Small & Closely Held Business Owners.