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Ebook: Grow Your Business With a Better Contractor Experience

The tide of the gig economy has turned, and there is no turning back. According to recent estimates, the global gig economy will be worth nearly $350 billion this year alone.

While gig work isn't a new phenomenon, the size and scale of the global gig economy have skyrocketed in the last decade. In 1995, 10% of Americans worked as temps, contractors, and on-call workers. By 2027, an estimated 60% of the workforce will be independent professionals. 

In this Ebook you'll learn how to attract and retain more gig workers to improve your bottom line. 

To get your copy of the book, click here.

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Intended Audience CPA - small firm
CPA - medium firm
CPA - large firm

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(317) 520-1119

Gig Wage is laying the foundation for the financial infrastructure for the global 1099 Gig Economy. Bringing modern payroll, payments, and banking to companies and contractors alike. We believe that businesses should have dedicated technology, strategies, and processes for paying, managing and supporting their independent contractor workforce.