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Ebook: CPA Cybersecurity Checklist

How Secure Is Your Firm?

Many firms’ internal IT personnel have not had adequate cybersecurity training or access to resources. Worse, external solutions providers may not be aware of the unique data requirements of accounting firms or situations firms’ clients might face. 

This eBook walks firm owners through what they and their IT staffs need to know about security and how to handle it, step by step and in detail. Don’t let your firm become a victim. Make sure you’re following this expert guide.  

In this eBook, discover: 

  • 20+ critical security checkpoints for firms
  • Methods for ensuring that critical data is secure
  • How to deal with security threats both online and in person
  • Much more

Click here to get your copy

Rightnetworks cybersecuritychecklist
Company Rightworks
Intended Audience CPA - small firm
CPA - medium firm
CPA - large firm

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